IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 with model answer

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Write at least 150 Words.

Model Answer:

The provided line graph demonstrates a comparison between two new music sites i.e Music choice and Pop Parade, in terms of number of visits to each over a span of 15 days.

A glance at the graph reveals that pop parade has generally received more visitors as compared to music choice during approx more than 90% of the days, where as the popularity of music choice was able to cross that of Pop parade for only 2 days. Moreover, its interesting that the graph of popularity of music choice was steadier than that of its counterpart for first 11 days i.e mostly below 60000 visitors per day except for 3rd day when it reached 60000. On the 12th day the number skyrocketed from about 22,000 to 120000 in just 1 day, crossing the number of visitors on Pop parade by 20000 on that day. But this popularity did not last long as Pop parade regained its lost position on the 14th day when it beat the number of visitors to Music choice by 20000 and reached its highest record of 170000 visitors on 15th day. On the other hand, Music record received only 70000 visitors on 15th day, i.e half the number of what Pop parade got.

Pop-parade got least number of visitors from 7th to 9th day (ranging between 30000 to 50000), though it was still higher than Music choice on those days.

Despite all the fluctuation seen in the number of visitors to Pop parade site during these 15 days. it maintained uts superiority over its competitor, music choice for 13 days.

Total Words: 270

Task Achievement: 8

Coherence & Cohesion: 8

Lexical resources: 8

Grammar: 8

Overall Score: Band 8

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